國際事務組International Affairs Section


Life information

【Food】 Vegetarian food provided by Dharma Drum Mountain World Buddhist Education Park Daily dining hours: –Breakfast: 06:50-07:30    Lunch: 12:00-12:30    Dinner: 17:00-17:40 Saturday, Sunday–Breakfast: 06:50-07:30    Lunch: 11:30-13:30   Dinner: 17:00-17:40 【Accommodation】 Lodging at school’s Fayin Garden (2-3 person room) and Chanyue Garden (2 person room)…

Residency, medical insurance and work permit

【Residency】 ◎ Residency application for overseas Chinese students Host unit: Immigration Department Website: https://www.immigration.gov.tw/5382/5385/7244/7250/7257/%E5%81%9C%E7%95%99/75374/   ◎ Residency application for Hong Kong and Macao students Host unit: Immigration Department Website:https://www.immigration.gov.tw/5382/5385/7244/7250/7296/%E5%B1%85%E7%95%99/ 【Medical insurance】 For health care of overseas Chinese students, all newly enrolled…

How to apply for admission

Applications for the Taiwan Overseas Joint Admissions Committee’s academic structure and regional 2019 Fall Class Enrolment applications will be started in mid-November. For information on the academic systems and district application guidelines, please visit the website: “http://www.overseas.ncnu.edu.tw/synopsis.aspx” and download.

Award Information

◎ Based on actual published standard of the school year, as reference only below: Buddhist Studies Department: general students awarded tuition fee, monks awarded all expenses (excluding accommodation deposit). For humanities and social sciences group: general students will be charged…